I am so excited. I just received my Venus Freeze machine. It can do amazing things like fat reduction , cellulite removal and skin tightening. Ok – I need to take a step back. The goal for my blog is to provide unbiased information to help you with decision making and lifestyle changes. Forget that I started with a promo.
When there are so many ads touting non-invasive procedures for fat reduction, it is confusing! CoolSculpting, a giant in body sculpting, has done an amazing job with marketing and advertising. I believe most people would say that CoolSculpting fat freezing is the only real way to see effective results without surgery. CoolSculpting is amazing — for one thing and one thing only – – fat reduction! But, what about other body image crushing issues such as cellulite and loose skin?
Let’s take a look at the differences between CoolSculpting and Venus Freeze and you decide what is best for you. You may be surprised!
CoolSculpting, or cryolipolysis, lowers the temperature of fat cells to just above freezing. The fat cells are killed slowly and eliminated by the body naturally. Generally, these types of fat cells are the ones that don’t care if you spend 30 minutes a day on the stair climber and eat only 1,000 calories. They just aren’t responsive to diet and exercise. If you are in decent shape and have stubborn fat areas, CoolSculpting may be a great procedure for you.
How does it work? Spot fat is suctioned for approximately an hour while the tissue is cooled. Keep in mind the external portion of the skin is not harmed or frozen in anyway. Ice crystals form in the fat cells during the procedure, killing the cells. The cells are then either absorbed or eliminated from the body over the next two months. Fat cells are completely removed. CoolSculpting addresses love handles, hips, bra line, mid-back, and the tummy area.

This may have been a joke by the maker of Venus Freeze, but even though the word “freeze” is in the name it does not freeze fat cells. In fact, Venus Freeze doesn’t use cold temperature at all. It employs radio frequency waves to heat the underlying tissue to 41o C for about 10 – 15 minutes (without any damage to the skin). Once heated triglycerides found in a fat cell breakdown into glycerol and free fatty acids. Free fatty acids are then released into the blood stream. Venus Freeze drastically reduces the volume of fat cells. Are fat cells eliminated? No – just reduced in size. Here is what makes Venus Freeze truly amazing. Venus Freeze uses a proprietary MP2 technology that reduces body circumference, smooths cellulite, stimulates non-fat cells to produce collagen and elastin and improves blood circulation. What does that mean for you? Unlike CoolSculpting, Venus Freeze eliminates cellulite and firms loose skin! Show me one woman that doesn’t want to get rid of cellulite! We don’t even need to discuss that one – it is a given. Additionally, if you have loose, sagging skin from normal aging, weight loss or pregnancy – Venus Freeze is the procedure for you! It can be used anywhere on the body to tighten and tone skin laxity. Venus Freeze is really three treatments in one (that is why I chose it). Areas typically treated with the Venus Freeze include the neck, face, thighs, arms, and tummy area.

Should you be considering Venus Freeze please book us free consultation with Simple Radiance specialists to discuss your body contouring goals. If you need more information please check out our Venus Freeze FAQs. Always keep in mind that results can vary and the treatment is no replacement for good healthy lifestyle choices.