
A new concept in regenerative medicine.

Polynucleotides Revitalize Skin Naturally

Polynucleotide treatment, also known as PDRN (Polydeoxyribonucleotide) therapy, is a revolutionary approach to skin rejuvenation and regeneration. This innovative treatment harnesses the power of nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, to stimulate natural healing processes within the skin, resulting in remarkable improvements in texture, tone, and overall youthfulness.

Polynucleotides Regenerative Medicine

Polynucleotides Work at a Cellular Level

During a polynucleotide treatment session, a specially formulated solution containing PDRN is applied to the skin through gentle microinjections or topical application. Once introduced into the skin, PDRN works at a cellular level to:

  • Stimulate Collagen Production: promotes the synthesis of collage to minimize fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.
  • Enhance Tissue Repair: accelerates the skin’s natural healing process to promote faster recovery from skin concerns such as acne scars, sun damage, and pigmentation irregularities.
  • Improve Skin Texture and Hydration: By boosting cellular metabolism and promoting the formation of new blood vessels, polynucleotides enhance skin hydration and vitality.

Polynucleotides Treat a Variety of Skin Issues

Due to their restorative action, Polynucleotides can treat a variety of skin concerns, including:

  • Acne and acne scarring
  • General signs of ageing (fine and deeper lines and wrinkles)
  • Trauma or surgical scarring
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Sagging skin losing elasticity
  • Rosacea
  • Hair loss (alopecia)
  • Hyperpigmentation and sun damage
  • Stretch marks

Areas that can be treated with Polynucleotides include the entire face and neck, décolleté, the eye area (they offer an alternative to dermal filler tear trough treatment), abdomen, arms and knees.

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About Polynucleotides

Polynucleotides are advanced, regenerative treatments using biological molecules – long chains of nucleotides, which are building blocks of DNA. They stimulate deep skin renewal, enhancing collagen and elastin production for improved skin elasticity, firmness, and lift (biostimulation). These treatments work at a cellular level, promoting cell turnover, improving hydration, and offering anti-free radical actions to protect against damage from pollution and UV rays.

Expect a range of skin rejuvenation benefits like skin regeneration, wrinkle reduction, enhanced hydration, and anti-inflammatory effects. These treatments are versatile, treating various skin concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and even conditions like acne and rosacea. They’re also effective in different body areas, including the face, neck, and décolletage, or for skin tightening on the body like arms, legs, and abdomen.

The treatment involves a series of superficial (intradermal) injections in the skin, tailored to your specific needs and goals. Typically, 3-4 sessions spaced over 21-28 days are recommended. The procedure is quick and minimally invasive, and we recommend the application of a topical anesthetic for comfort. You can expect to see results as early as 20 days post-treatment, with effects lasting 6 to 12 months.

Yes, they can be safely used alongside other treatments like laser resurfacing, radiofrequency, dermal fillers, and neuromodulators injections such as Dysport. This combination can often lead to enhanced results and it is referred as skin priming.

Polynucleotides are suitable for individuals of all ages and skin types, especially those noticing loss of skin elasticity, signs of aging, or needing deep hydration. It’s a natural and safe product, making it a suitable option for many people.

Polynucleotide treatments are generally considered safe with a high tolerance profile. The risks are minimal and typically include temporary redness or mild discomfort at the injection site. As these treatments use naturally derived substances, the risk of allergic reactions is significantly reduced. Unlike some traditional dermal filler treatments, Polynucleotide treatments do not carry risks of occlusion, permanent lumping, blindness, or other severe complications. However, like any injectable procedure, slight bruising, swelling, or tenderness at the injection sites might occur, usually subsiding within a few days. lasted only a short while.

Post-treatment, you may experience minor swelling or bruising, but these typically subside quickly. Therefore, you can usually resume your daily activities immediately. To maintain results, a series of 3 to 4 treatments are recommended spaced over 21-28 days, followed by maintenance sessions  as recommended by your aesthetic expert.

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